How To Increase Your Boiler Efficiency

30th October 2023

When your boiler is not operating efficiently, it can lead to ineffective heating and higher energy bills. However, there are steps you can take to ensure your boiler is running at its total efficiency, saving you money during these challenging times.

  • Keep up-to-date with boiler servicing: Regular boiler services conducted by Gas Safe registered heating engineers are crucial for checking your machine's safe and efficient operation. Annual servicing allows us to identify and fix any issues before they become major problems. By addressing efficiency concerns early on, you can ensure effective heating and avoid unnecessary expenses.
  • Bleed your radiators: Trapped air in your central heating system can hinder the full heating capacity of your radiators, resulting in longer heating times and increased energy bills. To check if this affects your boiler's efficiency, please check if your radiators take longer than usual to heat up or have cold spots.
  • Check boiler pressure: A drop in boiler pressure is a common cause of inefficiency. When the pressure is incorrect, your central heating system may not function properly, leading to inadequate heating and higher energy costs. Ideally, your boiler pressure gauge should read around 1.5 bar. If it is lower, you need to repressurize your boiler. Remember that bleeding radiators can cause temporary pressure to drop, which can be resolved by replacing the released air with water.
  • Invest in pipe insulation: Insulating the pipes that lead from your boiler can significantly improve its efficiency. Using foam tubing to cover these pipes minimizes heat loss, allowing your boiler to work more efficiently. With reduced heat loss, your boiler can effectively heat your home and produce hot water without excessive effort. This insulation investment will pay off over time by lowering your energy bills.
  • Consider an upgrade if necessary: If your boiler is over ten years old, has a low-efficiency rating, or frequently breaks down, it may be time to invest in a new boiler. While the initial costs may seem daunting, the efficiency improvements of a new boiler can lead to long-term savings. Opting for an A-rated replacement can maximize energy efficiency and reduce utility expenses.
  • By following these tips, you can increase the efficiency of your boiler, improve heating performance, and save money on energy bills. If you have any concerns or need professional assistance, please don't hesitate to contact us.

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